Monday, January 20, 2025
If you're here looking for a pretty blog....I'm sorry to disappoint you. I'm throwing this together quickly so you can get the links when the podcast goes live if you need them. I will polish it up and make it pretty as I'm able. You all know I'm real -- what you see is what you get and I'm doing my best to get you what you need in a timely manner even if it isn't as pretty as "they" say it should be.
That said, of course, of course, many of the links you see here are affiliate links. When you make your purchases using my codes or links, you help keep this operation going and it doesn't cost you anything extra. Remember my integrity is of the utmost importance and i will never recommend anything to you that I either haven't or wouldn't use myself. (Some things came along after my time to be able to use them so I couldn't try them myself.....but I certainly would given the chance!)
Some of these things are just for you, mama. And others are things for your baby that are truly going to make your life better during your postpartum time, so I think you should get them!
The names of each item are clickable links. Just hover over them to find them.
Believe it or not, you still have to eat after you have a baby. Despite the fact that you might feel like all you do is feed the baby, you also have to feed you, too.....but there's not a lot of time or energy to go around at that point so plan ahead! Here are three ways I mentioned on the podcast that you can prepare to have meals ahead of time!
This company ships frozen ORGANIC, NOURISHING meals all over the country. I've never seen a company so interested in maintaining quality while nourishing mamas! You NEED to try them out! Use code YBGW for $20 off your first order! Be sure to share this one with anyone who wants to know what to get you!
Use this to create a signup people can use to bring you meals at times you designate after the baby comes.
This is a lot like Meal Train, just a different approach and company. Pick which one you like best!
When I tell you we had ZERO teething issues in our house for any of our three kids, I mean it. I'm talking, cutting multiple molars at once and the ONLY way I knew it was happening is when I saw them when I was brushing their teeth! Minimal drooling, no fevers, no diarrhea, no tears....nothing. I put them on each of my kids starting around 3 months when the drooling first started and then they wore them 24/7 from that point on. Yes, some will say take them off. I say, you shouldn't have your baby in a sleeping environment with something the necklace could get caught on. But you do what you think is best. Just get one of these. The raw ones are better than polished. I believe in these so much that they are one of my go-to baby shower gifts now! Be careful though -- there are a LOT of knock offs out there now, so be sure to get it from this small business where I got ALL of mine that worked so very well. Use code YBGW to take 15% off!
Whether you tear or not, you will likely have some soreness and maybe some swelling in your bottom after birth. Sitz baths create a spa-like environment for your bum....for lack of a better way to describe it. There are lots of fancy ones now, but I still prefer the old school style I linked above that has the big bag that will feed to the bath by gravity. Upgrade the experiencing by making a "tea" with the postpartum herbs. Let them cool and then put them into the bag when it's lukewarm. It will feel SO good while delivering healing herbs directly where you need them most.
You can also use the postpartum herbs to make healing ice packs. Just buy some nontoxic pads like these. Lay them flat and slowly pour the prepared tea into them. Then put them into the freezer while still laid flat on a cookie sheet. Once they are frozen, then you can take them off the cookie sheet and put them into a ziplock bag in the freezer. These ice packs feel amazing in those first few days postpartum!
I love this bath wash!! We've been using it for years in both the coconut and lavender varieties. Stay away from conventional soaps and opt for this which doesn't have any of the toxic ingredients we're all trying to avoid. Put several of these on your baby registry!
There's nothing that will make you feel more prepared as a mom than being able to help your child when they face health speedbumps. Having a source like this will help inform you so that you don't always have to run to the doctor for every thing that comes along, empowering you to be a mom who can care well for your baby.
Why are these books in the postpartum must-have list? Because as soon as your baby is born, "they" are going to start throwing vaccines at you, You need to be informed and prepared and these are three excellent sources to use to help you make good decisions:
Dr. Paul Thomas once wrote The Vaccine Friendly Plan, but he has ramped up his opinions after seeing so many vaccine injuries first hand in his pediatric practice. The truth he spoke caused "them" to strip him of his medical license. From those experiences, this book was born.
This book is co-authored by Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., of Children's Health Defense who is currently serving with President Trump to "Make America Health Again". This book does what most others don't - it compares the health of unvaccinated children with vaccinated children and the results speak for themselves.
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This is a book I came across recently that I think has some things in it that could help you as you adjust during your "fourth trimester". It is NOT written from a Christian worldview so you have to read it with a discerning eye. But when we view the world through our Christian lens, it is easy to see what is good information we can use to glorify God in our bodies and what is something we need to leave aside.
Once your baby is here, that doesn't mean you need to stop your prenatal supplements. In fact, you might need to ramp them up a bit. But you don't want to have to deal with going to the store to get them. My dispensary through Fullscript will keep everything delivered to your door on the schedule you choose, and you'll always get a discount! Go check them out!
This isn't supposed to be about babies, so why is this book on the postpartum must-have list? Well simply put, you want to breastfeed and it can be challenging, so if you're struggling, it will cause your postpartum time to be harder. This book is the best I've seen to prepare you for success in this category. I read it while nursing my first baby after having helped countless women learn to breastfeed as a nurse and I still learned so much. It helps with the basics and then gives you tips and tricks to use if you have difficulties. You simply must have this book....and keep it on your cart which I'll talk about next....
Once you decide where you think you will be doing most of your nursing, setting up a handy cart like this can make your life so much easier....but make sure it's on wheels because you might end up liking to nurse somewhere you didn't think you would. Keep things like your water bottle, snacks, your Breastfeeding Made Simple book (above), your Haakaa (below), and anything else you want to keep handy on your cart.
The Haakaa is a really cool thing to keep at your nursing station, especially if you have a good supply and you tend to leak on the side you're not feeding on. This will help you catch that milk rather than it being wasted. I never used one of these because I'd never heard of it until after I stopped breastfeeding, but I know lots of people who have used them and are so happy not to lose leaking liquid gold!
Abby in an Ergo carrier
I used several different kinds of baby carriers through my journey. Different ones have different benefits, but having at least one is a life-saver because it frees up your hands to do things you need to do when your baby wants to be held....because all babies want to be held.
One note - be sure that no matter what carrier or wrap you use, that you have the baby's legs properly supported. Their legs should NEVER dangle. They should be in a frog-leg position, with the carrier or wrap supporting the baby's leg all the way out to the knee to prevent hip dysplasia.
Here are some simliar to what I used::
Boba (this is the exact one I had)
AJ in an Infantino carrier
Ruby in an Infantino carrier
Ruby in a Moby wrap
(Yes, I voted while wearing her! LOL)
The Boppy pillow is a great curved pillow to have to support your arms and the weight of your baby when you're nursing so that you don't get tired or cramp up while feeding. There are many alternatives to this, but out of all the ones I had, the Boppy was probably the best one. You'll want to have an extra cover or two so you can change them out to wash them.
This is similar to the co-sleeper I used with my kids. You can see ours back behind AJ. We used it as a changing table for the most part,. The best part of it was that it straps to the opposite side of the bed so it won't slide away, so I was able to use it as a bumper of sorts when the baby was sleeping on the side that was the edge of the bed. I hope that makes sense. They make several types, but the one I linked looks to be pretty close tow what we had.
If you have any problems at all having the birth experience you wanted or getting things paid for, NOW is the time to make the switch to Samaritan Ministries which is a Christian healthcare sharing ministry. We have been using Samaritan for about 8 years now and we LOVE it. It's a whole new way of doing health care that doesn't involve your money paying for things you believe as a Christian to be wrong. It's also a way that we can truly bear one another's burdens. The best part? They fully cover home births with midwives because they recognize that it is a better value than hospital birth!
If you decide to enroll, please mention our names (Andrew & Lori Morris) and you will help our family by saving us a little bit off of our monthly share amount!
If you have other postpartum must-haves you would like tos ee included, come join or Facebook group and share there or shoot me an email!
Midwife & CEO of Your Birth, God's Way
Lori is a Certified Nurse-Midwife and the host of the Your Birth, God's Way podcast. She attends home births in Tennessee and teaches online childbirth education to moms across the country.
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