Are you 


of a BEAUTIFUL, PEACEFUL birth at home?


I'm Lori, a certified nurse-midwife.

I've seen birth in hospitals, birth centers, and at home, and in my 20+ years in the maternity world, there is one thing I've noticed....

Home birth is hands down

the MOST BEAUTIFUL and PEACEFUL way to give birth!

​* YOU get to let God dictate the pace! *

​* YOU get to control who's in your environment! *

* ​YOU get to bring your baby into the world in the peace of
the home God gave you *

​* You don't have to drive to another location in the middle of labor *

* AND by the way --  it's often less expensive than hospital birth, EVEN IF YOU HAVE INSURANCE! *

But I hear those burning questions you're asking in your mind...

​"HOW do I have a home birth?"
​"WHAT do I need to have?"
​"HOW do I get my husband to agree?"
​"WHAT do I do after the baby comes?"
"HOW do I afford it?"
​...and many others....

​which is exactly why I created the

​Home Birth Prep Course!!!

​This course will help you get all the answers you need, and it will help you plan each aspect of your home birth!

We will be holding this course in a LIVE format!
(See schedule below.)

​So what's included?  I'm glad you asked!

Inside the Home Birth Prep Course

You'll learn:

Module 1

  • How to a deeper dive into the realities of home birth vs. hospital birth
  • How to mentally prepare for giving birth at home
  • How to get dad on board with your home birth plan
  • How to get other family members on board (AND how to handle boundaries if they won't come on board)

Module 2

  • How to hire the perfect midwife to attend your birth
  • What midwives bring to your home for the birth
  • Who else you might want to invite to your birth, WHY some people don't need to be there, and HOW to navigate these hard conversations
  • How to prepare your home for the birth - what supplies you need and how to source them

Module 3

  • How to transition to motherhood after birth 
  • How to manage caring for your baby at home in the newborn phase while also caring for yourself
  • How to help your family understand your needs

Module 4

  • How to manage a transfer to the hospital should it become necessary
  • How to afford a birth at home (even if your insurance doesn't cover it)

PLUS You'll also get these FREE BONUSES:

BONUS #1 -- Live Question & Answer Sessions after each class

Lori will answer all your burning questions live to make sure you have all your ducks in a row when birth time comes!


BONUS #2 -- Exclusive Community of Like-Minded Moms

You'll get access to an exclusive, MEMBERS-ONLY community of other moms and dads just like you who are working to plan their perfect home birth.


BONUS #3 -- Guide to Working With God's Design E-Book 

This e-book is a go-to guide for moms, dads, and anyone who is a part of your labor team to help each person know how to best work with God's design during the labor process.


BONUS #4 -- Home Birth Supply Checklist

This exhaustive list will help you know everything you might need to have during labor and will be a great resource for shopping in person stores and also online.


BONUS #5 -- Access to Replays for One Year

This exhaustive list will help you know everything you might need to have during labor and will be a great resource for shopping in person stores and also online.


BONUS #6 -- Shared Access With Direct Family (Husband/Parents/In-Laws ONLY)

Both husband and wife as well as grandparents will be able to access the course under one shared logon.


That's $1,106 value for FREE with your purchase of the course!

Imagine if you...

  • had 100% agreement and participation by your husband, parents, and in-laws
  • had control over who was present at your birth
  • had all the supplies you needed for your home birth already at your home and ready to go
  • knew exactly what a transfer would look like if it became necessary
  • were prepared  for the transition into the postpartum and newborn period so you could recover stress-free
  • had a midwife in your back pocket to help you know, with confidence, that you are prepared to give birth at home
  • had a community and live Q&A coaching to help answer all your questions about preparing for home birth

Ready to have the home birth of your dreams?

Do you want to feel confident that you've covered all your bases and that you are 100% ready when labor time comes?

​Inside the Home Birth Prep Course LIVE,
you'll get my proven system to ensure your home birth is beautiful, peaceful, and stress-free,
no matter what twists and turns may come along the way. 

I'll walk you through each step for how I personally prepared for my own home births. 

You'll walk away with a solid plan for:
* who will be at your birth *
* who won't be there, how your home will be prepared *
* how you will transition into motherhood *
* how you will transfer, if needed *
* how to focus on caring for your and your baby *
* how to ensure other household needs are met by others *  

Plus I'll help you source the supplies you will need for giving birth at home.

A little about your facilitator...

I’m Lori Morris, a Christian, a wife, a mom, a certified nurse-midwife, and a veteran.

I love working with mamas who love God and want to work with God’s design, not against it. I believe God made women perfectly to grow and give birth to babies. He designed us and His way is the best way.

I have over 20 years of combined healthcare experience, with 18 of those years working with mamas and babies in all settings including the hospital (labor & delivery, postpartum, nursery, and Neonatal ICU) and birth center.

I had all of my babies naturally — one at my midwife friend’s home, one at a birth center where I was working at the time, and one in my home. I went on to nurse all of them for more than one year — and one of them I had to cut off when she turned 4! LOL!

​All of that to say — I’ve been in your shoes and I want to help you realize the birth of your dreams doing things
God’s way.

Walk by faith, not by sight.

2 Corinthians 5:7

Class Schedule

This course is now available on demand!  You can access the course content on your schedule at your convenience!

This is for you if...

  • you're a mom OR a dad wanting a beautiful home birth
  • you trust God to bring your baby at home in safety in His time
  • you want to have the smoothest home birth experience possible
  • you are sure you want a home birth, but you're not really sure what that looks like or how to make it happen
  • you need help convincing your family home birth is a safe option
  • you. don't know what supplies you will need or where to find them

This is not for you if...

  • you think home birth is reckless
  • the idea of trusting God with your birth at home scares you
  • you love the idea of interventions during birth

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Home Birth Prep CourseGet all the information you need to be fully prepared to give birth at home!


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Home Birth Prep CourseGet all the information you need to be fully prepared to give birth at home!
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Get an entire hour of one-on-one support and attention from Lori to go through the details of your situation and get Lori's expert help tailored to you!

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